A WHO Ebola-járvánnyal kapcsolatos weboldala

Az Egészségügyi Világszervezet "Global Alert and Response" címszóval külön weboldalt nyitott minden, az Ebola-fertőzéssel kapcsolatos információnak, klinikai, infekció-kontrollal kapcsolatos, technikai, epidemiológiai stb. kérdésköröket illetően.


Ismertetjük a weboldal néhány főbb pontját. Innen közvetlenül is .

Most csak felvillantjuk az egyes menüpontokat, az oldalon minden itt felsorolt link természetesen élő és további információkat tartalmaz.

Technikai információk

Use of convalescent whole blood or plasma collected from patients recovered from Ebola virus disease
International meetings attended by individuals from Ebola virus disease-affected countries
WHO Consultation on potential Ebola therapies and vaccines
Meeting summary


Ebola surveillance in countries with no reported cases of Ebola virus disease
Ebola event management at points of entry
Interim guidance
Infection prevention and control guidance summary
Ebola guidance package
Infection prevention and control guidance for care of patients with Filovirus haemorrhagic fever
Travel and transport risk assessment: Interim guidance for public health authorities and the transport sector
Steps to put on personal protective equipment
Steps to remove personal protective equipment
"Aide Memoire" for infection prevention and control in a health care facility
Core infection prevention and control interventions for health care facilities
Five moments for hand hygiene
Leaflets and posters on hand hygiene - easy to learn, logical and applicable in a wide range of settings
Management of waste from injection activities at district level
Simple and practical tool with posters to help reduce improper disposal of waste from injection activities
Safe management of wastes from healthcare activities
Second edition, 2014
Technical tools on injection safety
Assessment, planning and implementing tools for injection safety
Waste from health-care activities

Betegellátás, gondozás

WHO guidelines on drawing blood: best practices in phlebotomy
Recommended steps for safe phlebotomy and principles for drawing, collecting blood and transporting blood to laboratories/blood banks

Laboratóriumi információk

How to safely ship human blood samples from suspected Ebola cases within a country
How to safely collect blood samples from persons suspected to be infected with highly infectious blood-borne pathogens
Laboratory guidance for the diagnosis of Ebola virus disease
WHO risk assessment: human infections with Za?re Ebolavirus in west Africa
Case definitons of Ebola and Marburg virus diseases: technical guidelines for integrated disease surveillance and response
Investigating cause of death during an outbreak of Ebola virus haemorrhagic fever: draft verbal autopsy instrument
WHO experts consultation on Ebola Reston pathogenicity in humans
Szociális mobilizáció
COMBI toolkit for behavioural and social communication in outbreak response
7-step approach, with tools, checklists and templates for designing behavioural and communication interventions
Field workbook for COMBI planning steps in outbreak response
A handheld guide and notebook for applying the WHO COMBI methodology in 7-steps, during an outbreak

Klinikai menedzselés

Clinical management of patients with viral haemorrhagic fever
A pocket guide for the front-line health worker
Ebola: Occupational safety and health
Briefing note

Kiegészítés, hazai vonatkozások

Az OEK (Országos Epidemiológiai Központ) Ebola-járvánnyal kapcsolatos tájékoztatói i.
